Monday 9 April 2007

Where to find Fast Food at beautiful tourist attractions

9 April 2007

Well this is my first try at a new blog these photos are from a recent holiday I had to sunnier shores and show me at the local eatery.

How sad can you get when you go to a beautiful country and instead of eating the local fayre you find it easier to resort to Big Macs, sadly it was not the best or hottest I have ever had & the tables outside were all scratched, (please note Ronald McDonald) Can you guess the location of this beautiful town.

I hope this has got you interested please let me have similar photos of other resorts & fast food outlets, even include yourself to show you have been there but dont forget to provide a photo of a local beauty spot & the location


Amo said...

interesting blog there.
Will be watchin this blog closely for more info on fast food outlets.

Anonymous said...

As Amo stated, I think you will get lots of hits on this blog. All we need is the readers to contribute... I have already posted one that is easy for anyone that has travelled to the far east, I have more ready if FTF wants them... Hamster